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Your Brain, Your Heart And Your Emotions Shape Your Reality

Published in Featured

The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You must leave your comfortable safe environment and explore the wildness of your intuition and what you will discover will be nothing less than amazing, you will find that’s where the true discovery of the self is.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein.

The ancient Egyptians thought so little of brain matter they made a practice of scooping it out through the nose of a dead leader before packing the skull with cloth before burial. They believed consciousness resided in the heart, a view shared by Aristotle and a legacy of medieval thinkers. Even when consensus for the locus of thought moved northward into the head, it was not the brain that was believed to be the sine qua non, but the empty spaces within it, called ventricles, where ephemeral spirits swirled about. As late as 1662, philosopher Henry More scoffed that the brain showed “no more capacity for thought than a cake of suet, or a bowl of curds.”

I believe we are born in a negative world which where we grow up creating negative consciousness that is guided by negative thoughts, emotions, feelings and ideas that are injected into us through many different channels at every step and stage of our lives such as governments, media, movies, games and social networks.

If you look at our lives, our society, our governments and our world closely you will start to uncover the truth and realise that there are dark and evil forces at work within it all. The challenge after will be how to stay positive in the face of all these negative and destructive information, how do you keep pushing forward and maintain a healthy and successful lifestyle.

The secret and key element here is the emotion you create and attach to the information, which will be part of the reality you will create for yourself.

If you look at the information we receive from governments, media, conspiracy theories and controversial documentaries as negative information you will as result create a negative reality for yourself.

The way I treat and process information and everything in my surroundings is all about exchange of energies because ultimately that what it all is and everything that happens in our world happens around energetic levels and that is a difficult concept for some people to understand and get their heads around.

Once you understand that all that exists and everything around us is energy expressed as photon light and sound and these energies of light and sound have 2 different polarities it just means that these energies can be expressed as any 2 polar opposites that exist such as the concept of yin and yang, which is;

Light and Dark
Good and Bad
Positive and Negative

Different expressional frequencies of these 2 different polarities is primarily what makes up all of reality, so if you’re simply just one frequency of a single concisions experiencing reality as the person you are at this particular time that’s all that you are and this is simply the deeper understating and foundations of many different religions and spiritual believes that exists.

We need to understand the whole energetic basis reality then we will begin to understand how our bodies work and how the complex, wonderful and amazing biological computer (which is you) actually works and how this computer manifests reality and how that reality is based on the emotional content that you put into the computer you will start to uncover a whole new different ways and options of dealing with things by simply understanding how your body works and this how I managed dealing and processing all the destruction, negativity, depression, anxiety, challenges and stress that I have experienced throughout my life and this helped me stay focussed on the true nature of reality and the true nature of energy and that’s what makes all the difference on who we become.

The way I found useful and helpful to stay in a positive state through the hardest and most negative moments I have experienced in my life and how I managed to stay strong in the darkest times I have encountered is by understanding the process I went through of how the chemistry of your brain works and how your heart and brain interlink and interact with each other and to put it simple terms, basically your heart and your brain send signals to each other all day everyday and if you can measure these signals you will find that your heart sends more signals to your brain than your brain sends to your heart and you might question how this could be as we all under the impression that the brain is always in control or your body and acts as the central processor for example if you want to move your hand and reach out for something your brain thinks it and it sends a signal to your hand for it to move and that’s because of your hand is a voluntary muscle and all the voluntary actions of your body must receive a signal from your brain to operate but your heart is an involuntary muscle that’s why you can’t stop your heart from beating and operating.

Now the heart apart from it’s function of pumping blood throughout your body it also generates an electromagnetic field that influences and affects the reality around you and it also reads signals from the reality and your surroundings around you similar to a transmitter and a receiver. What your hearts sends out to your outer world are emotional signals the electromagnetic fields that are produced by your heart are actually affected and generated by emotions and this affects the energy field around you. To give you an example, if you look at the 911 terrorism events that took place after the events many major universities around the world that measured and read a major change to the energy filed of our planet while the events of 911 happened due to people’s emotions charging the field as this was a very emotional event all around the world and as a result we had a global charging of the energy field with a particular emotion and this was a demonstration of how this actually works emotions does produce an electromagnetic field and it also produces more tangible effects on a psychical level as well.

Emotions produce certain biological events within your body and certain things that happens within your blood and what your heart does is generates these little things called Neuropeptides. Neuropeptides are simply the food that your brain uses to create reality so when you’re feeling an emotion your heart produces those little Neuropeptides in your blood stream and these Neuropeptides go to your brain and your brain uses them as food or fuel to create reality and you can actually try this yourself to see how it works for example whenever you feel a deep emotion such as jealousy, happiness or anger this produces a deep physical feelings within your body and these feelings are the Neuropeptides that have just been pumped into your blood by your heart and that’s the psychical and energetic manifestation and that’s how your heart tells your brain what to do and that’s how you generate the thought process with the particular intent to suit the event.

Now you can understand that depression, stress and fear are deep emotions that are produced by the generated Neuropeptides that have been produced by heart into your blood stream with all these coded messages and your brain decodes and reads these messages by receptors that it has on the surface of the brain cells that read the messages in the Neuropeptides and creates the reality accordingly. So in the state of fear it will manifest the fear reality if you’re in a state of joy and happiness it will manifest that reality for you, when you are experiencing love and feeling that warm fuzzy feeling when spending time with your child or the person you love that is the Neuropeptides from your heart that brain’s using to generate that reality.

So from that process, which is your heart, is producing these Neuropeptides, which acts as food for your brain to consume, which creates the reality that, our brains manifesting, the brain becomes addicted and needs that food in order to manifest reality and in order to even know what that reality is based on the emotional content of your Neuropeptides. Now you as a psychical being in this reality controlled by your brain are therefore addicted to emotions.

Every single biological computer, which is every single living human on this planet is addicted to its emotions because without that emotional content and emotional input into the brain there could be no reality.

Looking a bit deeper into the brain, what we see that every second millions of brain cells die off in your brain and millions of new ones are generated and you might question why do we do that we do we shed millions of brain cells every second and generate new ones? It’s because reality changes and your emotional state changes second by second and you are creating reality through your feelings weather you’re aware of this emotions or not, even through your perceptions of what reality is which is generating Neuropeptides to feed the brain in order to create your reality at that particular second.

Ray Mancini