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We often hear America being proclaimed as the land of the free, the perfect model of democratic and liberal governance that countries around the world should aim to emulate. It is also where the first amendment is supposedly commemorated, valued and respected. Declaring that the citizens of such a glorified superpower are encountering situations of


If you need to boost productivity or you’re craving a fresh perspective to a problem, a new study has shown that one of the best ways to achieve these improvements is through going for a walk. The recent study from Stanford University showed creativity levels in people rose by 60% if they walked as opposed


Some anxiety before an interview is a good thing. It means you’re interested in working with the company and want to leave a good impression. Paralyzing anxiety, however, can be damaging to your health and prevent you from advancing in your career. Since most employers want employees that exhibit confidence, too much stress can send


Security Jobs Perth Out of work and looking for a new job? You might stay more motivated and feel as though you’re making better progress if you create a strategic plan for finding your next job. That is, make your job finding a job. Some job searchers become obsessed with the process, spending valuable waking


The acid alkaline balance of our food is very important. Foods that are pH balanced will not corrupt quickly, and we will be able to extract the maximum amount of nutrition available form those foods. If the food we eat is not pH balanced it becomes corrupt as soon as it enters the digestive tract.


Why Clean The Colon? One of the greatest ironies of life is that to stay alive we are actually taking in the very toxins that could eventually kill us, unless they are effectively eliminated from our bodies. Toxins enter our bodies through normal life-sustaining activities like breathing, eating and drinking. The vices of modern living


Different people have many varied connotations of Judo as a martial art form. The reality is that Judo offers a complete way of life. Judo is also considered by many to be a form of self-defense, a fun and exciting sport, an art form, or just an enjoyable hobby or pastime. Regardless of your personal


There are certain issues that consistently cause serious disagreements, sometimes-violent ones. Some of these can produce lively debates, while others are capable of causing full-scale wars or acts of terrorism. For those who don’t shy from controversy, here are the ten most controversial debate topics of modern times. 1. Is There Life After Death? This


The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You must leave your comfortable safe environment and explore the wildness of your intuition and what you will discover will be nothing less than amazing, you will find that’s where the true discovery of the self is. “The intuitive mind is a sacred


True prosperity is not measured by your bank balance- it is a state of being. Yin and Yang the Chinese wisdom from thousands of years ago which is the basic principle of the entire universe and the source of life and death. Even purely financial wealth is a balance between what you have and how


Feng Shui means wind and water and is pronounced Phung Shway or Pheng Shway which describes the two forces that shape the environment. One visible and the other invisible, both impact our lives constantly. Many cultures use various methods of Feng Shui to live life more harmoniously by arranging an environment to positively affect those



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Both inspiration and nourishment draw many people to explore and understand the healing power of mindfulness and meditation. There are many paths to this practice, each with its own orientation and teaching style, to appeal to people with different temperaments, motivations and interests. Meditation creates healing transformation at different levels for each individual. Meditation is


Mr Ray Mancini is an internationally known trainer, and professional security consultant. He is an expert in the fields of CPP-Close Personal Protection, CQC-Close Quart Comba



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What leads us to begin spiritual practice? For many of us personal crisis brings us face-to-face with human suffering. Perhaps our life feels hollow or meaningless somehow and we wonder if there isn’t more to it. Maybe we have encountered a serious illness or calamity or maybe a loved one has died. Feelings of loss



Published in Featured

Beauty is subjective. What you consider beautiful may be ugly to another. Advertisements play a key role in influencing our concept of beauty. Beauty is how we see it, as the saying goes – ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’. Aggressive promotional tactics are used to shape people’s expectations as well as revolutionize



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Virtue, Success, & Pleasure As honey is the essence of the flower, pleasure is the accomplishment of desire. Virtue, wealth, and pleasure must all be sought together. He who only seeks one of the three is unworthy; he who seeks but two is mediocre. The best is he who seeks all three. (Mahabharata) The word